Personality-Centric Platform

Experience Unique Interactions With in2humans

Engage People Like Never Before

All our solutions follow 3 simple steps

1) Personality Assessment

First, your business associate submits our personality assessment. This assessment provides a seamless experience without compromising on scientific rigor. For each solution, we choose the type of personality assessment that offers the most effective insights for the particular interaction. We focus only on the traits relevant to your interaction.

2) Actionable Recommendations

Directly after the submission of the assessment, in2humans provides you with initial actionable recommendations. Our recommendations are shown as a straightforward summary into your business associate’s traits, tailored to the specific interaction with this individual. Those initial recommendations will help you start your interaction on the right foot.

3) Communication Support

Having started on the right foot, you receive limitless, real-time and 24/7 support throughout the entire interaction. Our support is intuitive and highly relevant: it helps you prepare for meetings, readjust communication strategies or resolve conflicts – all tailored to the personality and circumstances. The more you use the support, the more tailored it is.

Take a closer look

Our product is designed to engage anyone – understanding that each person is unique
For each kind of interaction, we select the most impactful personality assessment and focus only on the traits relevant
Our AI-enabled communication recommendations are actionable, dynamic and immediate

Key benefits

Increase retention rate

Maximise satisfaction

Prevent miscommunication

Elevate engagement

Stimulate conversation

Scale personalisation

Related resources

Why in2humans Is A Must-Have
in2humans uses AI to enhance leadership by improving retention and to scale education efficiently.
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People Leadership Case Study
AI-driven personality profiles enhance leadership by addressing retention, communication, and conflict challenges.
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Executive Education Case Study
in2humans uses AI to personalise executive education, enhancing communication, engagement, and scalability.
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Like Never Before?

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